AECOM-led & TYPSA-led JVs Submit GC Bids for Kanpur & Agra Metros
Two global design & engineering consortia have submitted proposals for providing general consultancy (GC) services to the Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) for the execution of the first phase of the 32.385 km Kanpur Metro and 29.40 km Agra Metro rail projects.
Tenders/bids for this service were invited in December 2019 under contract KNPAGGC-01, and the prequalification documents & technical bids were opened on March 13 to reveal the following two bidders –
• AECOM Asia (Lead) – Egis Rail – Aarvee Associates – Egis Consulting Engineers JV
• Technica Y Projectos, S.A. – Italferr S.P.A JV
Since then, UPMRCL has been conducting an evaluation of both consortia’s technical proposals with financial bids expected to be opened any time now.
Per the tender rules, after the shortlisting process, the consultant will be selected under QCBS (Quality cum Cost Based Selection) process with 80% and 20% weights for their technical proposal and financial proposal respectively.

Construction for Kanpur Metro’s 8.728 km priority corridor (IIT – Motijheel) of Line-1 started in November 2019 while bids for Agra Metro’s construction work are yet to be invited.
When the General Consultant contract is awarded, the appointment of a dedicated consultant is expected to pave the way for both projects’ speedy implementation through assistance in design, supervision, safety, quality control, tender and contract management.
For more updates, check out the Kanpur & Agra sections of The Metro Rail Guy!
Approx. When will be Financial Bids will open? and Consultants Award dates?
Opened. TYPSA JV won.