Gurgaon Metro Receives 2 New Trains
Rapid MetroRail Gurgaon (RMRG) yesterday received train-sets number 9 & 10! These 2 trains with 3 coaches each are part of the 7 new trains ordered to run along with the 5 operational trains on Gurgaon Metro’s 12.1 km metro line from Cybercity to Sector 55-56. Out of this, the 7 km Phase 2 from Sikanderpur to Sector 55-56 is currently under construction (see images) on the Golf Course Road, and is expected to become operational by the end of the year. The last 2 trains, number 11 & 12, have arrived in the city and will be hoisted onto the tracks today.
Phase 1 stations (Black) | Phase 2 stations (Yellow) | Delhi Metro Yellow line stations (Purple)

Alignment of Gurgaon’s Metro – view Gurgaon Metro map

All 6 coaches for train #9 & #10 lined up next to the viaduct – Photo Copyright: Rahul Gupta

Last in the above line is ready to be hoisted! – Photo Copyright: Rahul Gupta

Photo Copyright: Rahul Gupta

Photo Copyright: Rahul Gupta

Photo Copyright: Rahul Gupta
All 3-coach trains (see images) on this line have been built by CSR Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Works on a subcontract from Siemens. Coach dimensions: 2.8m wide & 19.98m long
To recap from my post in Decemeber highlighting the delivery of the 3rd train (#8) – you might be wondering why the Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon (RMRG) chose to perform this contrived & complex operation and not have the coaches directly delivered to the depot? There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the line’s depot is not on the ground level like other metro systems, but elevated, so they would in any case have had to lift the trains like they had done in Phase 1 of the project.
Satellite view of Gurgaon Metro’s depot:
Secondly, the RMRG did not want to interrupt regular operations and preferred to start testing the trains on the newly laid track of Phase 2 from Sikanderpur to Sector 55-56.
As I mentioned towards the top, the last 2 of the 7 new trains (#11, 12) have also arrived in the city and will be hoisted onto the tracks today. Once the track for Phase 2 is laid out all the way to Sector 55-56 and all systems have been installed, testing along the entire 12.1 km route will begin which I anticipate would take place in Q3 2016, with commercial operations launching in Q4 2016.
For more updates of Gurgaon’s Metro, check out the Gurgaon section of The Metro Rail Guy!
When can we expect commercial trains to run on the rapid metro?
Last quarter of 2016.