GoI Approves & DMRC Invites Bids for Najafgarh – Dhansa BS Section
Phase 3 just got a little longer!
The Government of India yesterday announced its approval for a 1.218 km underground extension of the Delhi Metro’s 4.295 km Line-9 between Dwarka – Najafgarh to Dhansa Bus Stand at a cost of Rs. 565 crores. As per their press release, the Central Government will bear Rs.107 crores in the form of 50% equity (Rs.75.50 cr) and subordinate debt, Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will provide Rs.323 crore while the rest will be borne by the Delhi Government including equity (Rs.75.50 cr) and subordinate debt.
This small extension was approved in-principle by the Delhi Government on June 23, 2015 but it isn’t clear when the official approval was granted. Interestingly, a few days ago, the DMRC preemptively invited bids for its construction:
Notice Inviting Tenders (CC-126)
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd. invites open e-tender from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria stipulated under Clause 1.1.3 of NIT, for the work “Contract CC-126: Design and Construction of twin tunnel by shield TBM, cut & cover tunnel box and one underground station namely Dhansa stand including Architectural finishing, water supply, sanitary installation & drainage works from chainage 4121.350 to 5340.00 for extension of Dwarka Najafgarh Metro Corridor of Phase-III of Delhi MRTS.” – link to notice

Najafgarh – Dhansa Bus Stand extension – view Delhi Metro Phase 3 map & info
Note – As per one news source, Line-9 will be known as the Grey Line, but the DMRC has not yet confirmed it. With this addition, the line has now officially become 5.513 km long.
DMRC has estimated CC-126 with twin tunnels & one station to cost Rs 300.51 crores, and would like work to be completed within 36 months of the Letter of Award (LoA). The last date for submitting tender documents for bidding is June 19 2017 (3 pm) after which the bids will be opened & evaluated for eligibility on June 20 at 3 pm. Financial bids are expected to be opened in Q4 2017 with work starting in early 2018.
Line-9’s Current Status
The line’s construction is being carried out under 2 packages and as per the DMRC’s website, 72.18% of civil works had been completed by March 2017. Trial runs are expected to commence later this year with commercial operations starting in 2018.
• Package CC-50 (2.754 km, elevated) by ITD Cementation India – track installation started in June 2016; civil/interior finishing works are underway
• Package CC-66 (1.541 km, underground) by HCC – last TBM breakthrough by S197 was made in January 2017
With this extension’s late addition into Phase 3 and not the upcoming Phase 4, the Phase 3 project will now truly be over only when this small CC-126 extension to Dhansa Bus Stand opens up – sometime in 2020/2021.
For more updates, check out the Delhi section of The Metro Rail Guy!
I think one should consider phase 3 as the original planned project and not the late additions into it. If you see the DMRC website, the phase 3 lines does not include Dilshad Garden to New Bus Stand and Faridabad to Ballabgarh, although construction is going on these projects. I expect phase 4 construction to start after the original phase 3 is completed.
Hi, this is purely speculative but I believe the DMRC doesn’t include those extensions because their funding lies outside of the original Phase 3 pattern which involves external funding. Their construction is being funded entirely by the state & central governments. For example, the Ghaziabad line is being funded by: (1) GDA, (2) UPHDB, (3) GMC, (4) UPSIDC and (5) GoI. It’s a similar story for the Faridabad – Ballabhgarh line with HR & GoI governments funding it.
I agree with what you’re saying – to keep things simple, the DMRC for admin purposes should have clubbed these together into Phase 3B or Phase 3 extension or something similar to differentiate from the originally planned core metro lines.
Yes.. I think that these additions should be considered in Phase 3B or Phase 3 extn or something like that..otherwise, people will think that the entire Phase 3 took 10 years to get completed. They wont realise that many lines were added later.
Hi, what are the chances that DMRC opens tender for phase IV in 2017 ? Is there any technical issue pending or approval from Govt still pending ?
Hi, they’re currently getting topographical and hydrogeological studies performed along some of the routes. The central government’s approval is also pending. While their approval is important, I do not consider it to be a show-stopper as witnessed when Phase 3 took off.
There are two other major constraints right now – (1) funding is not yet tied up, and (2) Phase 3’s construction is still ongoing with DMRC’s internal resources (engineers/chief project managers) dedicated to get it completed. Give Phase 4 some time 🙂
i think DMRC should consider also consider another line on Nangloi-Najafgarh road..and i want to suggest the Delhi Govt. to consider the policy of Metro on 6 lane and Monorail on 4 lane roads (as they occupy significant less space in compare with metro) to ensure last mile connectivity..Do you know any particular forum to suggest this idea.
For Dhansa has DRMC issued tenders for TVS/ ECS & E&M works?
I haven’t seen anything on those works.
Cc126 Tender Awarded ..And bagged by SUCG India.