UPMRCL Invites Bids for HH Rails for Agra & Kanpur Metros
The Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (UPMRCL) on February 21 invited bids for the supply of 17,700 MT head hardened rails (HH Rails) for the 14.25 km Line-1 of Agra Metro and 23.785 Line-1 of Kanpur Metro projects. This is so far the third combined notice inviting tenders issued by UPMRCL.
Package KNPAGT – 1: Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) Ltd. invites Open Tenders on International Competitive Basis (ICB) from eligible applicants from all countries and all areas, who fulfil qualification criteria as stipulated in Section III of bid documents, for the work, “Contract KNPAGT – 1: Supply of 17,700 MT Head Hardened Rails (60 E1, IRS-T-12-2009, 1080 grade HH) for Kanpur and Agra Metro.”
• Estimated Cost: Rs 126,90,10,000
• Completion Period: 18 months
• Pre-bid Meeting: April 8 2020 at 3 pm
• Date & Time of Submission: April 29 up to 3 pm
• Date & Time of Opening Technical Bids: April 29 at 3:30 pm
As explained in a post on Bangalore Metro’s HH Rail contract with Mitsui & Co., these special tracks will be 60E1 – 1080 grade as per Indian Railway Specification T-12-2009, and manufactured through a special heat treatment process to provide additional strength, lower residual stress, elongate track-life and minimize maintenance.

Both Kanpur and Agra’s Line-1’s will consist of fairly large underground sections (8.621 km & 7.681 km respectively), and these special tracks are likely to be installed on their ramp sections. Two days prior to this development, UPMRCL also invited bids for regular tracks of UIC 60 / 60 E1, IRS-T-12-2009, 880 grade.
The tendering process for the systems contracts for both cities has been combined with an aim to reduce cost as the supplier will be able to achieve economies of scale in this unique arrangement which hasn’t been seen across India so far.
For more updates, check out the Agra and Kanpur sections of The Metro Rail Guy!
Why don’t all metro organizations get together and do this?
Lots of variables at play here. Major reasons are that projects have different schedules and different procurement rules set by the lenders.
Shouldn’t Agra move to “Under construction” section now?
Also, if the tracks are being procured, does this mean that the bridges/tunnels required for. the installation of these tracks already complete (or near completion)?
Also, would be great to see an updated “Quick snapshot” 🙂
I’ll move Agra when civil construction starts. As of now, they haven’t even invited tenders/bids for its construction.I’ll update the Quick Snapshot around April. Hoping to maintain it quarterly.
It’s a sad affair that Agra Metro Project is still awaiting civil work tendering.