DMRC Invites Bids for Delhi Metrolite’s Geotechnical Investigation
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) today invited bids for geotechnical investigation works along the alignment of the upcoming 19.15 km Kirti Nagar – Bamnoli Village (Dwarka ECC) Metrolite line in south-west Delhi.
This development comes roughly a week after they re-invited bids for the line’s topographical survey and utility identification works under contract ML-01.
The tender notice is not yet available on DMRC’s website. A link will be added when it is.
Contract: ML-02
Scope: Geotechnical Investigation work for the proposed Metrolite Corridor from Kirti Nagar to Bamnoli village including Depot of DMRC LRTS Project.
- Estimate: Rs. 83,45,728
- Completion Period: 4 months
- Sale of Tender Documents: 21.05.2020 to 22.06.2020 (upto 15:00 Hrs)
- Pre-bid Meeting: 02.06.2020 at 1200 Hrs
- Bid Submission End Date: 22.06.2020 (15:00 hrs)
- Bid Opening Date: 23.06.2020 at 15:30Hrs.
The Kirti Nagar – Bamnoli (Dwarka ECC) metrolite line will consist of 21 mostly at-grade stations at Kirti Nagar (elevated), Saraswati Garden, Mayapuri Bus Depot, Mayapuri, Hari Nagar, Mayapuri Industrial Area (MIA), Mayapuri Industrial Area 2 (MIA 2), Tihar Jail, Shivpuri (elevated), Dabri Village (elevated), Sitapuri (elavated), Mahavir Enclave (elevated), Dwarka Sector 2, Dwarka Sector 7, Dwarka Sector 6, Dwarka Court, Dwarka Sector 20, Dwarka Sector 23, Dhul Siras – Dwarka Sector 24, Dwarka Sector 25 – ECC Centre and Bamnoli Village

The Detailed Project Report (DPR) for this light rail transit (LRT) line was approved by the DMRC’s board in October 2019 with an estimate of Rs. 2,673 crore.
Per the tendering document, here are the activities that must be performed by the appointed contractor –
- Drilling of boreholes upto a maximum depth of 30 metres in soil (upto N=100) and minimum 4 meter below the proposed rail levels for rocky strata using hydraulic / calyx rig methods given in IS Code as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge and as detailed in Technical Specifications and Schedule.
- Conducting Standard Penetration Tests in bore holes at regular intervals of 1.5m as per I.S. Code of practice and also in-situ tests as per Schedule.
- Collecting undistrubed soil samples from bore holes at every change of strata / regular intervals of 3.0m subject to a minimum of two per bore hole as per I.S. Code of practice.
- Recording of water table level in the bore holes after completion of boring. Conducting in-situ permeability tests in Rocky strata and tests in labs in all other types of soils.
- Collecting rock core samples from bore holes and record the RQD.
- Conduct all necessary laboratory tests on samples collected as per Schedule and Technical Specifications and as per directions of Engineer In Charge.
- Survey of bore holes for elevation and plotting of borehole locations in alignment plan.
- Preparation of report summarizing the details of soil / rock classifications, analysis of test data and recommending the type of foundations to be adopted with design calculations for the proposed Elevated corridor duly highlighting the design criteria and design methodology and different groups of soil strata encountered.
- Borehole depth in all type of strata may vary subject to site conditions.
- Conducting seismic refraction test on site including mobilisation, site
preparation and carrying out the tests. - Analysis of SRT data and submission of interpretative test report along with correlation with the existing borehole data.
- Execution of all the restoration works of roads, pavements, foothpaths, medians, etc after completion of field tests of boreholes as per directions of Engineer In Charge.
- Barricading of the work site during the execution of boreholes till the time of Completion of restoration works.
- Execution of any other miscellaneous civil works as per directions of Engineer Charge.
For more updates, check out the Delhi Metrolite section of The Metro Rail Guy!
Metrolite will it have different rolling stock then dmrc standard gauge rolling stock!
Yes, will be different. Look up images of Light Rail Transit. Similar to a traditional tram, but modern with a higher capacity & speed.