Geotechnical Investigation Begins for Delhi Metrolite Project
In mid-September, TechPro Engineers Pvt. Ltd. began geotechnical soil investigation works to aid in the construction of the new 19.15 km Kirti Nagar – Bamnoli Village (Dwarka ECC) Metrolite line in south-west Delhi.
TechPro had been awarded a Rs. 68.08 lakh contract with a 4 month deadline for this service (Package ML-02) in August after they emerged as its lowest bidder among 9 firms.
Geotechnical investigation work is being carried out at multiple locations along this Light Rail Transit (LRT) line’s alignment with bore holes being dug at varying depths between 1.5 meters to 24 meters.
The data captured through this activity will serve two purposes – (1) help determine the line’s optimal alignment, and (2) later be included within the civil construction tender documents to help infrastructure companies make more informed financial bids and use appropriate machinery, methods & technology during construction.
Metrolite trains on this line will run mostly at-grade (ground level) on dedicated / fenced-in corridors and act as an excellent feeder to the Delhi Metro system with interchanges planned at Kirti Nagar (Green Line), Mayapuri (Pink Line), Dabri Village (Magenta Line) and Dwarka Court (Blue Line).
The line will consist of 21 mostly at-grade stations at Kirti Nagar (elevated), Saraswati Garden, Mayapuri Bus Depot, Mayapuri, Hari Nagar, Mayapuri Industrial Area (MIA), Mayapuri Industrial Area 2 (MIA 2), Tihar Jail, Shivpuri (elevated), Dabri Village (elevated), Sitapuri (elavated), Mahavir Enclave (elevated), Dwarka Sector 2, Dwarka Sector 7, Dwarka Sector 6, Dwarka Court, Dwarka Sector 20, Dwarka Sector 23, Dhul Siras – Dwarka Sector 24, Dwarka Sector 25 – ECC Centre and Bamnoli Village

Back in August, DMRC also awarded Gaveshana Geosciences Pvt Ltd. with a Rs 37.80 lakh contract for this line’s topographical survey and utility identification (Package ML-01(R)), so that work must have started by now as well.
For more updates, check out the Delhi Metrolite section of The Metro Rail Guy!
What does BH number mean?
Bore Hole number
No financial approval yet…right?
Is it just the pre -construction and a voluntary step by the DMRC so that it could be all ready… whenever the approval comes…
Yep, that’s right.
DPR was approved by DMRC’s board in Oct 2019. It’s now awaiting the Delhi government’s approval.
When the bid will open for this project and when the expected to start work of this project
The project first needs to be approved. After that DMRC will invite tenders/bids for its construction.
At this time, ground work will not start anytime prior to 2022.
Is this project approved by govt ?
Nope. Pending from Delhi Govt.
Why Approval is late by Delhi Govt.