Bids Invited for Delhi Airport’s APM Train Line Connecting T3 – T1

Delhi International Airport Ltd. (DIAL) last week invited tenders (bids) to build & operate a 7.7 km long Automated People Mover (APM) system at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport.

Delhi Airport’s new APM train by GMR (majority owner of DIAL) will be built on an elevated and at-grade alignment to connect Terminals 3 & 2 with Terminal 1 via 4 stations. Its development will be carried out on the design, build, finance, operate and transfer (DBFOT) model.

Delhi Airport’s APM, also known as Air Train or Sky Train at airports around the world, is necessary for inter-terminal transfers as the current driving distance between Terminal 1 and Terminal 3 is 7.5 km. Bus shuttle services run every 20 minutes but aren’t convenient or pleasant.

Per DIAL’s tender description, the “APM system is intended to provide reliable, fast and seamless connectivity between Terminal-1 and Terminal-3/2 spanning route length of around 7.7 Km via Aerocity and Cargo city. In addition to providing required connectivity between terminals, APM system will enhance passenger convenience, improve ASQ score and reduce carbon footprint.

The project’s feasibility report was prepared by Nippon Koei Co. Ltd. in February 2018 for Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) with an aim improve connectivity between the airport terminals and alleviate congestion around the airport by introducing Japanese technology to DIAL’s APM.

The report had recommended the use of a rubber-type APM system with a max speed of 80 km/hr. The suggestion is based on existing APMs around the world (61 installed), existence of multiple suppliers and low operations & maintenance (O&M) cost.

Here’s my quick purely fictional take on how the line’s alignment might look like with 4 stations at Terminal 2 & 3, Cargo, Aerocity and Terminal 1.

Indicative alignment of Delhi Airport’s Air Train (APM) system – view Delhi Air Train information and map

I’m fairly certain the line will run at-grade on a portion of the Terminal 3’s road due to the 2.1km long & 203m wide Elevated Eastern Cross Taxiway (ECT) built by Larsen & Toubro in 2023. That’s why I’ve placed two ramps on either side. It remains to be seen, but the line might run in a shallow underground cut & cover section between Aerocity and Terminal 1.

DIAL’s bidding process will take place behind closed doors, so I don’t know what their bidding schedule is like. Downloading the actual tender document on DIAL’s website requires the submission of a confidentially agreement, which I find unnecessary and strange. Per a source who spoke with the Times of India, DIAL plans to receive bids in October-November and award its contract before the end of this fiscal (March 31, 2025).

Inter-terminal APMs around the world are usually free, and I hope that’s the case in Delhi too but I have a strong feeling it won’t be.

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) and Central Public Works Department (CPWD) currently plan to build another 3 km APM system at Delhi’s Central Vista with 4 stations.

Ayesa India was awarded that circular APM line’s Rs. 7.48 crore Detailed Design Consultant (DDC) contract in November 2022, but there hasn’t been any movement on it since then. Between both APM systems, I’d definitely say the airport APM system has a more urgent requirement.

I had created an information page for the Airport APM project in 2020 – check it out here. I’ll be updating it as things progress.

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written by

Global traveler who prefers mass rapid transit

5 Responses to "Bids Invited for Delhi Airport’s APM Train Line Connecting T3 – T1"

  1. AyUsH says:

    Which metro stations will it be connected to? It certainly won’t be strictly inter-terminal APM

    • TMRG says:

      Remains to be seen how they design & handle transfers, but broadly:

      At T3/T2 with existing T3 IGI station (Airport Express)
      At Aerocity with existing Aerocity station (Airport), and in the future with Golden Line & Delhi-Dharuhera RRTS’ stations
      At T1 with existing T1 station (Magenta Line)

  2. Sumit says:

    You’re bang-on about the T1T3 ride being convenient or pleasant.

  3. Harsh says:

    Is there any Cost Analysis available for Sky Train vs Metro/Mono-Rail ?


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