1st Alstom Train for Lucknow’s Metro to Arrive in October
A team from the Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. just got back from France where it met officials from Alstom Transport SA to discuss and finalize the design of Lucknow Metro’s trains! While the final design has not yet been revealed, the MD of the LMRCL, Kumar Keshav, has announced that production will start in May at Alstom’s facility in Sri City, Andhra Pradesh, and the first of 20 trains will arrive in the city by the end of October.
After awarding Alstom the 80-coach rolling stock contract in September 2015, the LMRCL unveiled the trains’ preliminary design in February 2016, and a lot of its exterior design features are expected to be retained in the final design. This includes the color scheme, LMRCL’s Rumi Darwaza inspired logo and the lakhnavi chikankari pattern that can be seen on the sides in gold. Prior to leaving for France, a LMRCL spokesperson highlighted aspects of the design which were to be discussed:
LMRC needs to check every detail of the coach before giving a nod for manufacturing. This includes seats, handle bar, gates, CCTV cameras, grab-bars, poles, etc. Alstom will show them a 3D mock-up of Lucknow Metro coach.
While the final design is awaited, enjoy some renderings of the preliminary design:

Preliminary design of Lucknow Metro’s trains – Source: LMRCL

Source: LMRCL

Source: LMRCL
Despite the recent collapse of formwork (shuttering) onto the road below at Alambagh Metro station, trials on the 8.48 km Transport Nagar – Charbagh corridor are still expected to begin in December 2016 followed by commercial operations in early 2017.
For more updates on Lucknow’s Metro, check out the Lucknow section of The Metro Rail Guy!
Hi TMRG, Can you help me understand why different metro rail organisations in the country are buying their rail stock from different countries and companies. After all they either run on 750V DC or 25k overhead. Even within the same technology they buy from different countries and companies.
Outer design has some changes while interior appears same in all metro cars.
Delhi buying from BEML and Hyundai
Lucknow from France
Bangalore from BEML
Kochi from……. whatever
Hi, metro orgs have to invite bids for every single item procured or service obtained by them to give each business an equal opportunity, prevent corruption & favoritism, and keep costs low. This includes everything – from construction to signalling and even small items like stationery and tea/coffee service! Whoever bids the lowest while maintaining or exceeding the quality desired by the org ends up winning the contract. Hopefully that explains how different cities end up with different suppliers.
Dear Murli,
Kochi from Alstom India
Chennai from Alstom India
Lucknow from Alstom India
High quality designed and made in India !