BMRCL Invites Bids for Bangalore’s Bommasandra-Hosa Road Stretch
Looks like Christmas came early! Just a couple days after the Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. kick-started the tendering process for the 72 km Phase 2’s Reach 1A and Reach 1B, the BMRCL has now also initiated the civil construction tendering process for Reach 5 of the new 18.80 km RV Road – Bommasandra line between Bommasandra and Hosa Road. Today, they published a notice inviting infrastructure companies to bid for constructing Reach 5’s 6.418km elevated viaduct and 5 new stations in south-east Bangalore:
Notice Inviting Tenders
On behalf of Managing Director, BMRCL, General Manager (Contracts) invites Tenders for the work of “Construction of Elevated Structures (viaduct & stations) of 6.418km (approx) from Bommasandra to Hosa Road Station (excl.) (Chainage 18591.06m to 12173.092m) including Depot entry line to Hebbagodi Depot, Road Widening allied works and 5 Numbers of Metro Stations viz. Bommasandra, Hebbagodi, Huskur Road, Electronic City-II, Electronic City-1 in Reach-5 line of Bangalore Metro Ral Project, Phase-2.”

Reach 5’s Map – view Bangalore Metro Phase 2 information & map
A detailed PDF document which shows the exact locations of all stations can be viewed here.
Besides constructing the viaduct in 27 months, the contractor will also be responsible for constructing 5 new stations at Bommasandra, Hebbagodi, Huskur Road, Electronic City-II, Electronic City-I as well as a viaduct leading into the new Hebbagodi Depot which will spread across 28 acres.
Tender documents will go on sale on December 22, 2016 and the BMRCL has estimated this section to cost Rs. 468.64 crores. The last date for submitting bidding documents is 3 pm on March 1, 2017 after which the bids will be opened & evaluated for eligibility at 3:30 pm.
As I mentioned in Reach 1B’s post, the BMRCL’s track record for quickly awarding contracts in Phase 2 isn’t stellar, so I expect this section’s contract to also be awarded only in Q3 2017 with construction work beginning shortly after in Q4 2017 subject to approvals. As this section includes a depot, the BMRCL can choose to start fragmented operations here without relying on the RV Road – Silkboard section which will take a lot more time to construct due to the multi-level Jayadeva Hospital Interchange and other obstacles along the way. Timing wise, I expect this section to open no sooner than 2021. If the BMRCL chooses to start operations on it along with the rest of the line, then I expect it to open only by 2023.
For more updates, check out the Bangalore section of The Metro Rail Guy!
2023!! Ah! TMRG, it is extremely refreshing for someone to give us a realistic estimate but the realism hurts a bit, wow! 6 more years before the line is operational. phew!
Marvel will have completed their phase 4 before BMRCL will complete phase 2.
@amish…and it will be better than bangalore metro. 😀 😀
What is Marvel ?
The Marvel Cinematic Universe 🙂
Dude.. seriously… get a life.
again these guys are making the same mistake. solving all the easy problems first. this will result in more floating lines just like phase 1. sections lying around unused because they cant get a train to that place. sad
Things seem to be picking up for phase-2 and not a minute sooner.
At this pace, can we expect tender for rest of this line till Silk board and to RV road interchange in coming weeks? Hope so.
But, the warning from Lina is very pertinent. Will they plan to complete this entire line till RV road interchange in one go? Only then will it make sense. Otherwise another “Ghost” viaduct.
this road already has elevated flyover, hence starting ops on this small piece alone may not be a good decision economically.
Jayadeva is the bottleneck! Wondering why that work is not taken in the first go. Where is previous lesson learnt experience?
Hope the momentum continues and they invite bids for the remaining section from RV Road to Hosa road in a few days!!!!
If this section and section work would have started around 2 years ago, when lines was announced, then the construction would have been atleast half complete.
Looks to me like demonetization is hitting BMRCL, If construction does not start, the kick backs wont start from lower to higher ranks.
Modi effect is showing some impact.
news letter of dec 2016 has now come
Thanks – I’ll cover it soon.
Is exact location of electronic city identified?
Electronic City Stop 1 – Next to Electonic city Phase1 security gate
Electronic City Stop 2 – Next to C-DOT, between Toll Booth and Flyover going inside towards Electronic city
Exact locations can be viewed in this document.
Thanks for replying. Looks like Stop1 is between Ecity Gate 1 and Nice road.
TMRG, you have gone a vacation again, haven’t you??
following the blog, you are guessing TMRG is on vacation(After seeing your comment, i also feel so). if you had any other data God, will also be crazily amazed by your guesses.
Yea, guilty as charged. Back now as you can see 😀
Will share an image from my vacay on Twitter soon.
Hey, where exactly is the Hosa road junction?
Are you referring to the intersection or the station? The station will come up just south of Salarpuria Symphony – see on google maps
Please finish as soon as possible. People are waiting for this facility. It is very helpful to people
Work started 1 quarter ahead of your expected schedule. How do you see this? Are you seeing lot of positives in last 1 year’s BMRCL performance?
Yeah, the contractor has been quite quick in deploying men & machinery for this line. I’m impressed! No doubt, there’s been a marked improvement in the civil (PH1) and contracts (PH2) side of things.
@TMRG: Where exactly is the Bommasandra station? Could you help? Is it under the flyover next to Bommasandra Bus stop/Post Office or Narayana Health City Hospital?
Hi, exact location has been marked here –
It’ll be to the west of the elevated road.