Bids Reinvited for BKC Station (C1) of Mumbai – Ahmedabad HSR
India’s National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd. (NHSRCL) on Friday re-invited bids to construct Bandra Kurla Complex Station of the 508.17 km Mumbai – Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (MAHSR Bullet Train) project.
This terminus station of 1.03 km long Package C1 will be built using the cut and cover method between chainage -0.255 to 0.775. The 467m long station area within it will have 6 platforms of 425m length to accommodate 16 coach trains.
The station box will consist of 3 levels – service floor, concourse and platform at a depth of 24m below ground level.
NHSRCL had originally invited bids for this package in November 2019 and cancelled it in February 2022 due to uncertainty over its construction due to an indifferent state government at the time.
- Completion Period: 1638 days (4.48 years)
- Pre-bid Meeting: August 22, 2022 at 11:00 AM
- Date & Time of Submission of Tender: October 20, 2022 at 03:00 PM
- Date & Time of Opening of Tender: October 21, 2022 at 03:00 PM
IFB Number: Package No. MAHSR-C-1
Brief Scope: Design and Const. of Civil and Buildings Works on Design-Build Lump Sum Price basis for Double Line High Speed Railway for Mumbai Underground Station, Cut and Cover Tunnel and Shaft-1 from MAHSR Km. -0.255 to Km. 0.775 at BKC in Maharashtra

The assigned contractor for C1 will also be required to build a tunnel boring machine (TBM) retrieval shaft. This is where TBMs used in Package C2 will complete their underground journey while building .
If things go according to the scheduled timeline, then I see preliminary construction work for this package starting in mid-2023 and actual construction work by 2023-end.
With this encouraging development, tender notices for 2 more packages – 20.377 km C2 (BKC – Shilphata) and 135.45 km C3 (Shilphata – Gujarat Border) in Maharashtra are pending. The last of 5 civil contracts in Gujarat was awarded earlier this year.
Land acquisition progress in Maharashtra currently stands at roughly 63%, so I reckon it’ll be a while before a notice for C3 is out. C2’s retender notice for the construction of twin tunnels should be around the corner. The appointed contractor for that will be required to use at least 3 Mega TBMs with a diameter of roughly 14.5 meters.
A list of all bullet train civil and system packages and their status can be viewed here.
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Sir , Is it twin Tunnels ?
Yes it’s twin
Details available in link on article
“This tunnel will be longest rail transport and 1st undersea tunnel of India. Tunnel will be a single tube with 13.2 meters diameter to be executed by both NATM and TBM methods in different sections.”
I copy this line from NHSRCL Project highlights.
Hope that new government will be able to complete the remaining land acquisition quickly maybe in next 6 months so that construction in maharashtra can start and then the contractor will have to catch up with gujarat.
Government has changed not Marathi manus mentality of slow work babugiri.
If speed is required revamp mmrda with someone from Delhi metro
Fuck you ass hole if you have so much problem with marathi manoos why the fuck you care about staying in Maharashtra go to Delhi and ask your delhi guy to fix delhi for your self
If you have problem with Mmrda and Marathi go to Delhi and stay there don’t use the resources of Marathi people. Maharashtra is for Marathi people only like Tamil nadu is for Tamil must be thankful that we accomodate you in Maharashtra and don’t behave like South people. You Bastards are taking jobs of our bhumiputra and instead of respecting the state people and state language you are always insulting Marathi language . fuck offf and go to Delhi
I just noticed how far Thane station is from central Thane.
So, I guess the entire line will be opening no sooner than 2030.
any update for C1 package
Now opening on Nov 4