Ceigall & HG Infra Win Varanasi – Kolkata Expressway’s Contracts

The likely contractors for another 2 sections of the 610.417 km Varanasi – Ranchi – Kolkata Expressway are now known!

Ceigall India Ltd. and HG Infra Engineering Ltd. on Wednesday were declared as the lowest bidders for the expressway’s package 12 and 13’s civil construction in Jharkhand.

This greenfield expressway project by National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) will be built at an estimated cost of Rs. 28,500 crore under the Bharatmala Pariyojna (BMP) program.

Its 6 lane alignment will run parallel to National Highway NH-19 (old NH-2) and link Varanasi Ring Road in Uttar Pradesh’s Barhuli village to NH-16 near Uluberia in West Bengal’s Howrah District via Bihar and Jharkhand.

NHAI had began inviting tenders (bids) for construction contracts under Hybrid Annuity Mode (HAM) in November 2022 with 2 year deadlines. Technical bids were opened earlier this month to reveal 11 firms had submitted bids for packages 11, 12 & 13.

Below I’ve shown only the lowest 5 bidders’ financial bid values.

Package 12 (33 km)

Brief Scope: Jn with NH20 in Bongabar village to Jn with NH320 in Lepo village (KM. 325.500 to KM. 358.500

Estimated Cost: Rs. 1071.99 crore

FirmBid (Rs. Crore)
Ceigall India Ltd.1305
CDS Infra Projects Ltd.1324
G R Infraprojects Ltd.1327.57
KCC Buildcon Private Ltd.1345.31
APCO Infratech Pvt Ltd.1378

Package 13 (28.7 km)

Brief Scope: Jn with NH320 in Lepo village to Kamlapur village (JH/WB border) (KM. 358.500 to KM. 387.200)

Estimated Cost: Rs. 775.01 crore

FirmBid (Rs. Crore)
HG Infra Engineering Ltd.925.11
Dineshchandra R Agrawal Infracon Pvt. Ltd.938.00
IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd.945.00
KCC Buildcon Private Ltd.945.31
G R Infraprojects Ltd.1008.07
Varanasi – Kolkata Exprssway’s alignment by NHAI through Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal

The bids were 21.84% and 19.36% higher than NHAI’s estimates, so these packages will head to the negotiation table for contract finalization.

With this development, financial bids for 10 packages (1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 & 13) have been opened to reveal their likely contractors, while technical bid evaluation is underway for 1 package (11).

This is HG Infra’s 2nd win after Package 10 (Deoria village to Donoreshan village). A complete list of Varanasi – Kolkata Expressway’s packages, their scope and contractor status can be viewed here.

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written by

Global traveler who prefers mass rapid transit

12 Responses to "Ceigall & HG Infra Win Varanasi – Kolkata Expressway’s Contracts"



  2. Sourav mandal says:

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  3. Shantanu Bandyopadhyay says:

    When the NHAi will construct the drainage system along with Highways from Bagnan to Uluberia. We the villagers along side are the deadly effected due to water blocking after construction of NH-6.

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