Agra Metro: Afcons Records 2 TBM Breakthroughs at SN College & Raja Ki Mandi

Afcons Infrastructure – Sam India Consortium in the past fortnight celebrated two tunnel breakthroughs for Agra Metro Phase 1 project‘s 14.25 km Line-1 (Sikandra – Taj East Gate).

These major milestones by Robbins TBM 324 at SN Medical College Station and Herrenknecht TBM S-718C (Shivaji) at Raja Ki Mandi Station mark the 13th and 14th breakthroughs for 7.93 km underground Package AGCC-02 connecting RBS Ramp – Taj Mahal Ramp.

TBM 324 (Ganga)

TBM 324, nicknamed TBM Ganga, is a Ø6.52m Robbins Earth Pressure Balance machine and was the project’s 2nd of three TBMs to be commissioned in mid-April 2023.

Its prior assignments involved building a 334m tunnel from Ramleela Maidan to Agra Fort (breakthrough in June 2023), a 175m tunnel from Agra Fort Station to Shahjahan Gardens Midshaft (breakthrough in September 2023), and a 1175m tunnel from Shahjahan Gardens Midshaft to Taj Mahal Station (breakthrough in December 2023)

Its most recent assignment involved building a 525m tunnel from Agra College Station to SN Medical College Station.

Photo by Gaurav Chauhan
Positioned on a cradle to get dragged through SN Medical College’s station box – Photo by Gaurav Chauhan

TBM S-718C (Shivaji)

TBM S-718C, nicknamed TBM Shivaji, is a Ø6.63m diameter Herrenknecht earth pressure balance (EPB) machine and this week recorded its fourth breakthrough.

Prior to this, it built both 228m twin tunnels between Taj Mahal Station and Taj Mahal Ramp on Fatehabad Road and went on to record breakthroughs in October and December 2023. Its third assignment involved building a 734m tunnel for the down-line from RBS Ramp to RBS College Station.

Its most recent assignment, which ended this Thursday, involved building a roughly 685m tunnel from RBC College to Raja Ki Mandi Station.

Photo by Yash Chaturvedi
Photo by Yash Chaturvedi

Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) had awarded Afcons – Sam India Consortium with underground Package AGCC-02’s Rs. 1819.79 crore civil construction contract in March 2022 with a 48 month deadline.

Their section from chainage 3630.000 to 11564.485 consists of twin tunnels connecting 7 stations at Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Jama Masjid, SN Medical College, Agra College, Raja Ki Mandi and RBS College.

Route of Agra Metro’s underground section between RBS College and Taj Mahal – view Agra Metro route map and information

With 14 tunnel breakthroughs squared away, there are now 4 more breakthroughs left in Phase 1 project: 2 at Agra College by TBMs S115 & S-718C, and 2 at Mankameshwar (Jama Masjid) by TBMs 215 & 324. I expect the final one to be recorded around the end of Q1 2025.

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Global traveler who prefers mass rapid transit

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