STEC Begins Work on Delhi-Meerut RRTS’ TBM Launch Shaft
Back on June 13, Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co. Ltd. lowered and concreted the first diaphragm wall (D-Wall) panel for the 82.15 km Delhi – Meerut RRTS project’s southern Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) launch shaft at Anand Vihar.
STEC is constructing two TBM launch shafts on either side of the upcoming Anand Vihar RRTS Station from where four TBMs will be launched – 2 southwards towards Khichripur to connect with Afcons Infra’s Package 6 and another 2 northwards towards Sahibabad to connect with KEC-CCECC JV’s Package 1.

The first D-Wall cage is about 20 meters tall and 5 meters wide. It will help reinforce the soil around it and prevent potential water seepage during excavation.

Here’s a snap of Anand Vihar’s southern TBM launch shaft site (20m long x 16m wide):

Anand Vihar RRTS Station will be built independent of both TBM launch shafts using the Cut and Cover method below the operational Blue Line (Line-4) and Pink Link (Line-7)’s stations. This will eventually lead to the relocation of some existing structures (entry/exits, DG room, pump room etc) in a phased manner.
For more updates, check out the NCR RRTS section or my Home Page!
Bro, any update on Pune metro rolling stock like
1) Has it reached Pune ??
2)What about the trails that were suppose to begin in May ??
3)Do you have any picture of diver coach ???
1) 1st trainset is still in production
2) Should start in July (Vanaz – Garware College section)
3) Nope, not at this time. Trying to source some.