6 Bidders for Dehradun Ring Road’s DPR Work

6 firms have bid for preparing the Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Dehradun Ring Road in Uttarakhand after the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) opened technical bids on Saturday.

Like other Indian cities, the city’s road infrastructure isn’t sufficient to handle daily traffic volume. Plans to introduce a mass rapid transit system (see details) for the region or even a respectable bus system have gone nowhere.

NHAI invited tenders for this consultancy service in February 2022 with a 210 day completion deadline and unknown estimate.


  • Aicons Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
  • Lion Engineering Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
  • MSV International Inc.
  • TPF Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
  • Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • Yongma Engineering Co Ltd.

Brief Scope: Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for development of Dehradun Ring Road

Dehradun via Google Maps

The bids have now been sent for technical bid evaluation which can take a couple months to complete. When that is done, the financial bids of the technically qualified bidders will be opened to reveal who’s the lowest bidder and most likely consultant.

A ring road around the nearby town of Haridwar is in the works by NHAI – see details & map.

NHAI has also planned to build a tunnel linking Dehradun with Tehri. Back in January, they received one bid for preparing its DPR from Turkey’s Altinok Consulting Engineering – see project details. That tender was cancelled in March.

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Global traveler who prefers mass rapid transit

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