10 Bidders for Bangalore Metro’s Sarjapur – Hebbal Line’s DPR
10 design & engineering firms have submitted bids to create a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Bangalore Metro’s new 37 km Hebbal – Sarjapur metro line.
Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (BMRCL) had invited tenders for this consultancy service in April 2022 just weeks after Karnataka’s Chief Minister announced the re-addition of the line to future plans, possibly Phase 3, at an estimated cost of Rs. 15,000 crore.
This new line will cut through the city’s core and connect Carmeleram, Agara, Koramangala, Dairy Circle, Central College and Armane Nagar.
BMRCL’s estimate remains unknown and the completion period specified is listed at 8 months.
- Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers and Consultants Private Ltd.
- Balaji Railroad Systems Private Ltd. (BARSYL)
- Consulting Engineers Group (CEG)
- Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System (DIMMTS)
- Korea Railroad Technical Corporation
- Rina Consulting SpA
- RITES Ltd.
- Systra MVA Consulting (India)
- Tractebel Engineering
- Urban Mass Transit Company Ltd. (UMTC)
RFP: BMRCL/Phase-3/DPR (Sarjapura to Hebbala)/Consultancy/2022/88
Brief Scope: Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Metro Rail Corridor of length 37 km connecting Sarjapura to Hebbala through Agara, Koramangala and Dairy Circle for Bangalore Metro Rail Project, Phase-3

The bids have now been sent for technical bid evaluation which can take a couple months to complete. When that is done, the financial bids of the technically qualified bidders will be opened to reveal who’s the lowest bidder and most likely consultant.
The DPR will provide a baseline of the line’s length, underground & elevated route composition, number of stations, their locations, depot, coach requirement, ridership projection, operational game plan, total cost etc.
If things go according to the tender notice’s prescribed schedule, then we should see a consultant getting appointed in late Q3 (July-September) and perhaps a glimpse of the DPR’s first draft, if BMRCL chooses to share, in Q2 2023 (April – June).
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Hat-tip: Naveen Menezes
There is news that the DPR of two new lines 13km Magadi Road (Hosahalli -Kadabagere) and 32km JP Nagar 4th Phase Hebbal has been sumitted tot he government. Any info regarding that.
Also those two lines are not updated on your indicative map for phase 3 lines.
There is an urgent need to extend the Phase 3A on both the sides from Kadabgere to Tavarekere on the one side & from Sarjapur to Chikkatirupathi on the other side.
Both these places are farthest extension of Bangalore suburbs & badly in need of proper connectivity.
Both these places are now covered with innumerable private layouts, gated communities & can be most happening places in outer Bangalore.
Both these roads are well connected with National Highway NH207 & SH87
but lacks proper transport from BMTC.
Hence, there is an urgent need to connect these outer Bangalore locations by Metro on priority.
Hope State Government would look into this seriously.
Bangalore metro is not there to connect places which lack public transport. It can be run only in profitable routes. As of now in phase1 itself the routes are running under loss
Sir which route in phase 1 is running under loss?
Bangalore metro report says it needs around 12 lakh passengers daily to break even (to make profit) in the first phase of green and purple line today. At present there are only 3-4 lakh passengers per day. It clearly means Bangalore metro is running under loss and government aids and subsidies need to keep it alive
In lot of places govt has failed to provide permanent Meter (Bettadasanpura) , road facility, we have great lethargic MLA,CM,Minister for power all are begger including BESCOM, for lay one pole they demand ₹15-20k, govt BESCOM looting money by providing the temporary meter bitch guys after Govt notification BESCOM has failed, while we contact one dept person he guided contractor the contractor demands ₹70k to provide permanent Meter
CM and Power ministers both did announcement as Bescom will provide permanent meters to All houses even without demandin OC.it has been over three months.why They did announcement like and fooled All of us.