RVNL – URCC JV Wins Indore Metro Package IN04’s Contract

March 9, 2024 Update: MPMRCL has issued LOA and awarded contract to RVNL – URCC JV with a value of Rs. 543 crore. RVNL’s share is 51% and URCC’s share is 49%

December 11, 2023 Original Post: Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. – URC Construction (RVNL – URCC) JV was today declared as the lowest bidder for 33.53 km Indore Metro Phase 1 project‘s Package IN-04 between Shaheed Bagh and Palasia Chauraha by Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (MPMRCL).

This section of the Yellow Line’s viaduct, which I estimate to be 5.2 km long, will consist of 5 elevated stations on the eastern side of the city at Shaheed Bagh (earlier Mumtaj Bagh Colony), Khajrana Chauraha, Bengali Chauraha, Patrakar Colony and Palasia Chauraha.

Indore Metro’s Yellow Line will eventually form a ring line connecting Palasia – Railway Station – Rajwara- Airport – Bhawarsala via 30 elevated & underground stations.

MPMRCL had invited tenders for Package IN-04’s construction in March 2023 with a Rs. 495.32 crore estimate and 1095 days (3 year) deadline.

Technical bids were opened in August to reveal 5 bidders. Evaluation was completed last week in which Dineshchandra R Agrawal Infracon was declared non-compliant to the tender conditions and disqualified.

Financial Bid Values

FirmBid (Rs. Crore)
RVNL – URCC JV543.00
ITD Cementation India Ltd.559.74
Sam India Builtwell Pvt. Ltd.594.19
Ranjit Buildcon Ltd. (RBL)654.04

Tender No: 614/MPMRCL/2023/Package IN-04

Brief Scope: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct Five Elevated Metro Rail Stations viz Shaheed Bagh, Khajrana Chauraha, Bengali Chauraha, Patrakar Colony, Palasia Chauraha and Ramp between Chainages 31+755 to 34+898 and 3+669 to 5+86

Route of Package IN-04 between Palasia Chauraha and Shaheed Bagh – view Indore Metro Phase 1 map and information

RVNL – URCC’s bid of Rs. 543 crore was 9.62% above MPMRCL’s estimate of Rs. 495.32 crore estimate. This is within the acceptable threshold for civil work in the metro industry, so a contract should be awarded following negotiations, if any, in Q1 2024. I expect basic ground work to start in Q2 2024 and full fledged construction work to start in Q3 2024.

This package is the 4th civil package on Indore Metro’s main-line and the 5th overall (counting Gandhi Nagar Depot) where financial bids been opened. When awarded, this will be RVNL’s 3rd win after packages IN-02 and IN-03.

A list of all Indore Metro civil and system packages can be viewed here.

With this development, there are now just 3 civil packages where MPMRCL has to complete technical evaluation and open financial bids – all for Bhopal’s metro system:

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written by

Global traveler who prefers mass rapid transit

10 Responses to "RVNL – URCC JV Wins Indore Metro Package IN04’s Contract"

  1. Ravi Kasturia says:


  2. Kartik says:

    Is it true that the MCC applied due to elections delayed the opening of this bid?
    And one tender for indore’s underground package still remains to be floated

    • TMRG says:

      Yup, that underground package’s notice is still pending. The list above was for tenders in progress.

      Here’s what the MCC rules say regarding tenders. #8 applies to this package:

      7. Global tenders already floated, can be evaluated and finalized where any time limits
      are specified for such purpose.

      8. Tenders other than global tenders, that are already floated may be evaluated but not
      finalized without prior approval of the Commission. If they are not already floated,
      they shall not be floated without prior approval of the Commission.


  3. Rishi Singhal says:

    An average of Rs. 100 crore per kilometre including stations. Is this the norm?

    • Jimmy Vij says:

      Normally such figures are defined in the DPR of the project, if this figure is around that figure, there would be no such problem.

    • Kartik says:

      Yes approximately. Example recently for Agra Metro, the tender was invited for 15.2 km line 2 including 14 stations at an estimate of around 1550 crore.

  4. KS says:

    This is good news for the city since rvnl urc is already working on two packages so they won’t take much time setting up machinery and man power and a new casting yard etc. So this should be an easy continuation leading to less probability of delays.

    Tenders for the underground package should also be floated soon so that the biding period ends by Feb and the technical bid evaluation can take place during the lok sabha elections and contract awarded in June next year.

  5. Amit Yadav says:

    Congratulation to RVNL and URCC

  6. mayank chahal says:

    It is a EPC project or PPP project?

  7. Gaurav Matani says:

    This package is still not started, put on hold by the local authorities along with the underground package.


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