The Metro Rail Guy Turns 5 Today!
I can’t believe it, but today marks the 5th anniversary of The Metro Rail Guy! Back on July 11, 2015, I embarked on an epic journey to document and share unique updates on the progress of India’s metro systems, and I’m so happy that you’ve been able to follow along for that journey.
The two main goals were to share plans in simple, greater detail and to provide updates on construction milestones and events (eg. tendering process) that transpire behind closed doors, away from the public and journalistic’ eyes, and I hope this blog has been useful to you in some way or the other.
Since my return from my hiatus in 2018-2019 which allowed me to personally grow, I believe I’ve found a somewhat good balance between the blog, my full-time work, family and other commitments, but there’s definitely room for further improvement. Shutting off devices for long periods during the day and weekends has been fruitful and my eyes can’t thank me enough.
I think this year’s progress can be categorized in 3 phases:
- January-February: Getting re-acclimatized with projects, reconnecting with my trusted sources, and re-building the lost momentum. By mid-March, I started posting some updates as soon as they transpired.
- March-April: COVID-19 hit and all the momentum was lost as construction work got suspended throughout the country. Fun Fact: I was training to run my first full (42.2 km) marathon, but that got canceled. That milestone will have to wait.
- May-Now: Re-built the momentum once again. Some days I’ve had time to write more posts, but didn’t have content or was missing a key piece of information, and then there are days when I’ve had content, but no time to put in. If you were to ask me, I’d love to write at least 5 posts a day.

Support the Site
Blogging eats up a lot of my time and it’s not just writing, researching content or liaising with industry engineers & professionals. You have to do other things, like answering readers’ questions via e-mail & comments, and trying to make sure the site runs smoothly at all times.
Here’s a big thanks to all followers who continue to support me through PayPal and bring news, images and tips to my attention. If you like what I do and would like to support in other ways, then here are some things you can do:
- Tell other people about the site: The biggest Thank You you can give me is a recommendation – whether it is a personal recommendation, a link on social media or just sharing my links when relevant on different sites and social media platforms.
- Tell me about updates I miss: It’s difficult to cover each update out there, so if you see something that you think would fit on the site (e.g construction update, milestone, approval or notice inviting tenders), then simply drop me a message via the contact page to let me know!
- Tell me if something is inaccurate: I want the site to be 100% accurate at all times. If you’ve found something factually incorrect within a post or a project information page, then just drop me a comment or message, and appropriate changes will be made.
- Connect with me: If you’re in a metro rail organization, a design & engineering firm, a construction company, a foreign lender, a systems (rolling stock, signalling etc.) company or related to Indian metros in any way possible – then please drop me message. It would be nice to connect and expand my network.
The Next 5 Years…
Can I keep blogging for 5 more years? I don’t know, but I do hope so.
As always, for instant email notifications on new posts, subscribe here. For the full TMRG experience, I’d recommend you to follow or at least bookmark my Twitter page where I not only share all posts from the site, but also other news, images and videos (example) which can’t fit into a post.
The blog has come a long way since it started, and I can’t thank you enough for your continued support and loyal readership. Here’s to five and many more years! 🙂
Stay Safe!
Congratulations 👏 completeing 5 Years Keep updating us with metro system construction in india cities i love it 😎😎💪🏻💪🏻
Congratulations on this milestone. Keep it up!
Well done…appreciate your work. All the best
Yay! Great stuff TMRG. I absolutely love this site and is the first thing I check in the morning 🙂 I cannot thank you enough for all the work you do. This is one of the few ways for people like me to connect with our cities. Hope to see you continue blogging for the next 5 too!
I will be posting your website on all my social media handles. Thank you for your work, TMRG.
Congratulations and thanks for bringing exciting metro news from across the country
Congratulations. I am big time fan of this page. 🤟🤟🤟
Congratulations on this Great Milestone 🎉
You are Doing a Great Work of Updating on the Metro Rail Updates in India.
Thank You,
Smithson D’mello
Virar, Maharashtra.
Congratulations and thanks for bringing exciting metro news from across the country
Congratulations ! Keep it going…great work
Congratulations TMRG!. Hope you continue to give us the good updates as there are a lot of projects lined up.
Congratulations on completing 5 years and wishing you not 5 more years, but 50 years of success.
When you were away for a while, I used to keep revisiting this site or your Twitter handle to check for updates on your well-being. Glad that you have come back stronger!
Best regards
I love your page, please never stop blogging you are the only one doing here the best. Congratulations 🎉
You are doing a great job TMRG, keep the boll rolling…. 🙂
Thank you TMRG. With Metro network growing all over India in recent few years your timely updates on the subject helps a lot. You are doing a great job.Keep it up… 👍Thanks once again
Congratulations TMRG!! Thank you so much for 5 years of amazing updates about the metro projects that we all are passionate about.
Hello !
How do we connect to you . Write to you .
I am working in metro field from last 7 yrs .
Would be great to connect
Congats The Metro guy for that long and fruitful journey! Wish you many more years of this valuable contribution. We all missed you during your absence. Keep it up.
Congratulations to you from Australia. You are doing great work. I bumped into your website a month ago and as someone who is passionate about India’s infrastructure development, I find your website extremely informative.
Hope you continue providing such insights. All the best.
You have called yourself THE METRO RAIL GUY, but I would replace GUY with ENCYCLOPEDIA. Whenever I need to study any aspect of Metro, I go through your writings. Staying in the background, and maintaining your anonymity, you have been providing GREAT SERVICE to Citizens all over the country – not an easy thing to do. Keep it up !! Best Wishes to you, your family and yes, one suggestion – maybe in addition to information, you could also highlight the various negative aspects – like lack of good integration, tree-cutting, snail’s pace of work, huge per kilometre costing, etc. which will ensure corrective actions at least in the future. Stay Healthy TMRG 🙂
Congrats for completing 5 yrs. In fact I am one of the avid reader of ur site getting accurate information from construction update tender results.isince I am one of the subcontractor doing pier, piercap, structural steel fabrication and form work shuttering it was really useful to approach the contractor with ur information. I felt sad when u are not available for around sometime when most of the metro work was happening. Anyway it is great that u are back and helping companies like us to get business.
Srikanth Aditya engineering industries, chennai
Happy Birthday TMRG! 🙂 Sincere Admiration and Appreciation for all the in-depth info gathering, analysis and lovely info presentation that you have been doing consistently all these years! You put your readers in the drivers’ seat through this portal and make them feel great! Thank you very much for all that you’ve done in the past 5 and eagerly looking forward to all that you’d be bringing us in the next 5 🙂
Sir doing good job.
Wow! It’s a great achievement. Kudos! This blog particularly has been a part of my daily morning routine for a long time now. I just love the way you cover these construction updates + you have adapted quite brilliantly from being a Metro Rail Construction Update Blog to a Blog which covers now the NHSRCL updates & the NCRTC updates as well. Fabulous!
Now for a quick request can you please cover the DFCCIL progress as well? 😉
Your news presentation very very super . To easily understand. Your valuable service to be continues I like my best wishes to all . Good luck. Greetings to all . Thanks.
Wonderful work by you and TMRG easily beats the websites like metrorail news or railnews. com
Keep up the good work !
There’s no competition. Those other sites copy from TMRG or mainstream news websites. They are pure garbage and not worth checking.
Congratulations mate! I love the maps you create for us to visualize the news
Thank you sir for everything you do and the efforts you put in. God bless
Congrats TMRG on the anniversary achievement.
Rather then BMRCL I follow you for any metro related updated.
Congrats TMRG for having Successfully competing 5 years..
Congrats TMRG for completing 5 years
Many more returns of the day for you. Good Job TMRG. I really appreciate the effort you are putting into it.
May ALLAH success u
Great contribution to the infra society. It’s one stop shop for Metro lovers.
Congratulations TMRG. I sincerely wish and hope you are able to find better balance between life and work. I would love to see this website continue for a long time to come. Thank you for this service. Thank you very much indeed.
Congratulations .Keep up the Good Work
Love the site TMRG – one of the only ones I frequent regularly – great job on keeping us in the know of what’s happening (and what’s not!).
Congratulations TMRG !!!
You are doing a great job, providing such informative and detailed content of metro projects all over the country. This is definitely not a one man task, but still you are doing it.
Hats off to you, keep growing and stay safe.
Congrats my man! I enjoy reading you posts tremendously!!!