Translink Wins GAD Work for 2365 KM of High Speed Rail Lines

December 31 Update: Translink has received a LOA contract from NHSRCL

December 21 Original Post: Translink Infrastructure Consultants today emerged as the lowest bidder to prepare general arrangement drawings (GADs) for developing Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for 2365 km of new High-Speed Rail lines in India.

This contract relates to the following 4 proposed high speed rail lines for which various surveying works are currently underway:

NHSRCL invited bids for this low-value package in mid-March 2021 with a 240 day period of completion deadline. Technical bids were opened in June to reveal 25 bidders. During evaluation, 3 firms were disqualified – Dynamic Projects, aXYKno Capital Services and CE Testing Company.

Financial Bid Values (lowest 5)

FirmBid (Rs. Lakhs)
Translink Infrastructure39.79
Artefact Projects55.63
Highway Engineering Magnitude Consortium73.77
Arkitechno Consultants96.67
Technical Consultancy Services98.70

Contract: NHSRCL/CO/CA/GAD/2021/06

Brief Scope: Preparation of General Arrangement Drawings (GADs) of Crossing Bridges over Rivers/Canals/Railways and Roads (Expressway, NH , SH and Major District Roads) and GADs of proposed Stations and Maintenance Depots for Detailed Project Report (DPR) of various HSR Corridors (About 2365 kms long)

Indicative alignment of high Speed Rail lines planned by the Government of India (see list of HSR projects)

As shared earlier – this GAD-related package is significant as it’s the very last of 7 packages for preparing DPRs of all new HSR lines. The other 6 tenders are related to surveys (data collection / utility identification), studies (traffic & ridership / SIA / EIA) and alignment design (LiDAR).

This is Translink’s second win. Here’s a list of all winners for GAD preparation of new HSR lines:

LineContractor / Status
Delhi – Varanasi (865 km)Translink Infrastructure Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi – Ahmedabad (886 km)Aakar Abhinav Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Mumbai – Nagpur (741 km)Holtec Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi – Amritsar (459 km)Translink is lowest bidder (this post!)
Mumbai – Hyderabad (711 km)Translink is lowest bidder (this post!)
Chennai – Mysore (435 km)Translink is lowest bidder (this post!)
Varanasi – Howrah (760 km)Translink is lowest bidder (this post!)

For more updates, check out the High Speed Rail section or my Home Page!


written by

Global traveler who prefers mass rapid transit

17 Responses to "Translink Wins GAD Work for 2365 KM of High Speed Rail Lines"

  1. The Indian Railway Guy says:

    Fantastic news! Can’t wait for civil construction to begin

    • TMRG says:

      Delhi-Varanasi should be next in line depending on the political landscape. I don’t see work on the rest starting anytime soon.

      • Sudu says:

        What about Mumbai Nagpur Line. Land acquisition wouldn’t be a problem isn’t it ?

        • TMRG says:

          Don’t see that going ahead anytime soon either. Political landscape (centre vs state tussle) isn’t conducive to make it work out.

          • Sudu says:

            I see. BJP doesn’t want A.Thackeray to benefit from a infrastructure project. So they will go ahead in a BJP state. Atleast something.

          • PR says:

            The problem is with land acquisition in Maharashtra. Almost all Infra projects facing problems in MH. So why waste money in such places.

    • CHETANA TRUST says:

      The first high speed is likely to be completed by 2035. And with no funding available, probably our next generation might see this project

  2. CK says:

    Hi TMRG,
    There’ve been a couple of news reports recently that MahaMetro’s invited the CMRS to inspect Pune Metro’s Reach 1 and 2.
    (That’s the latest one.)
    Do you have any confirmation of this?

    I don’t see any issues with approval given to Reach 1 between St Tukaramnagar and Phugewadi, but by MahaMetro’s own work updates, it doesn’t look like Anandnagar and Garware College on Reach 2 are ready yet.

  3. saket says:

    What is the status for other corridors (Delhi Varanasi, Delhi Ahmedabad and Mumbai nagpur)?

    • TMRG says:

      All in DPR preparation stage. For Delhi-Ahmedabad, I’ve heard initial land acquisition consultations with locals in Haryana have taken place.

      • Aditya says:

        Which one do you expect to start first. I think it should be Delhi – Ahmedabad one so that the full stretch of Delhi Mumbai could be commissioned first,

        • TMRG says:

          Delhi-Varanasi has a better shot. Has closer city/town pairings than Delhi-Ahmedabad which has some extremely lengthy dead pairings (Ahmedabad-Udaipur: 260 km and Udaipur-Ajmer: 260 km) with not a lot going on in between.

      • saket says:

        Great to hear that! Thanks 😊

  4. Manikantan says:

    Project management should be aligned with that particular city’s need

  5. Bhushan says:

    Bit surprising that there is no Pune Bangalore line proposed.

  6. Indrajith says:

    Chennai mysore bullet train corrider land aqvisition commencing from which year ?

    Any updates


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