Afcons Wins Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train’s C2 Tunnel Contract
June 8, 2023 Update: Afcons and NHSRCL have signed a Rs. Rs. 6397.27 crore contract for the civil construction of Package C2. LOA was issued in mid-May.
April 6, 2023 Original Post: After much drama in the construction industry’s circles, Afcons Infrastructure today emerged as the lowest bidder to construct 20.377 km underground Package C-2 of the 508.17 km Mumbai – Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (MAHSR Bullet Train).
Package C2 of the main-line will link chainage Km 0.773 (Bandra Kurla Complex Station) to Km 21.150 (Shilphata Ramp) and consist of roughly 3 km “undersea” twin tunnels below Thane Creek. The appointed contractor will be required to use at least 3 Mega TBMs with a diameter of roughly 14.5 meters.
National National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd. (NHSRCL) had originally invited bids for this package in 2019, which received zero bids, and then again in November 2021 which was canceled in February 2022.
For the latest round, bids were invited in September 2022 with a 1888 day (5.17 years) deadline and an unknown estimate. Technical bids were opened in February to reveal 2 bidders – L&T and Afcons.
Technical bid evaluation was completed on Wednesday. When financial bids were opened today, it was revealed that Afcons offered a 9.11% discount which allowed them to narrowly clinch the contract. L&T offered none.
Financial Bid Values
Firm | Bid |
Afcons Infrastructure | Rs. 7009.88 crore |
Larsen & Toubro | Rs. 4577.61 crore + USD 245 million |
Final Net Price Values (After discount and currency conversion)
Firm | Bid (Rs. Crore) |
Afcons Infrastructure | 6371.28 |
Larsen & Toubro | 6584.16 |
IFB Number: Package No. MAHSR-C-2
Brief Scope: Construction of Tunnelling Works including Testing and Commissioning for Double Line High Speed Railway using (TBM) and (NATM) between Mumbai Underground Station at Bandra-Kurla Complex (MAHSR Km. 0.773) and Shilphata (MAHSR Km. 21.150)

Without NHSRCL’s estimate, I can’t provide an assessment of how Afcons’ bid is placed. We’ll have to wait and see how this plays out.
If the bid falls within NHSRCL’s estimate, then we should see Afcons starting preliminary construction work in Q3 2023 and actual tunneling work in 2025. They’ve historically tied up with Herrenknecht for metro projects and more recently with Terratec for the Delhi-Meerut RRTS, so I believe their 3 TBMs will definitely come from either of those suppliers.
With this development, 135.45 km Package C3 (Shilphata – Zaroli) in Maharashtra is the only civil package left in the bidding stage. The current bid submission deadline is April 11 with technical bids scheduled to be opened on the following day, so stay tuned!
A list of all bullet train civil & system packages and their status can be viewed here.
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After under river tunneling, now under sea tunneling. Proud to be Afconian 🙂
Can you give HR contact, may be i get Chance to be an Afconian 🙂
Right now i am working in underground metro, Agra
Are you working with SAM INDIA
Bhai ye Bangalore metro ka kaam tez karwa do, I thought Afcons will do good job but it’s lagging behind
Congratulations sir
Finally….. I don’t think NHSRCL has much option even if the bids are higher then estimated. They can negotiate ofcourse but i doubt the center or even Japan for that matter will want to delay this anymore.
Agreed! Things will move fairly quick to get this awarded out.
Congratulations !!
Congratulations Afcons
Congratulations 🎊 to afcons
Congratulations 🎊 to afcons and proudly say that will finish the project on time
Finally someone different than L&T
So Superb
Congratulations Afcon team
Big Project Big Achievement for Nation
Congratulations Afcons team
The damage is already done , 6 years wasted in bidding only, what a shame.. NSHRCL had to give contract to someone that’s why no estimate, 3 years of sena gormint, nobody wanted to touch any project in maharashtra, now new regime has finally placed the construction vehicle in 5th gear…C3 package going to Jkumar or Lnt, China constructing 10000km of HSR in 5years, India very close to finally able to award tender in 6 years
The problem was with Maharastra Govt who was not giving Land in Gujarat work has started in November 2020
What was all the drama you are talking about?? Couldn’t find any relevant news regarding it…
An entire 6 hours of confusion on who won. Multiple bid values were floating around, all declaring L&T as the winner. A guy working in Afcons’ management publicly conceded defeat. Bless his heart.
You won’t find this in the news media. They work off of copy-pasting press releases.
Congrats Afcons Team and Tech Director for securing the Metro package.
I must say only Afcons could do such kind of projects after L&T which has under sea tunneling like difficult tasks involved. Congratulations and Cheers.
Why will tunneling start so late in 2025?
2 reasons –
1) TBM launch shafts have to be prepared
2) TBMs have to be custom manufactured per geology and tunnel profile requirements (they aren’t available off the shelf), pass factory acceptance tests, get dismantled, get shipped, get re-assembled and pass local site acceptance tests.
I was wondering that Afcons might hve support from Japanese construction company.
Is it twin tunnel ???
Dia of tunnel ???
The state authorities should have included navi mumbai on the route and then via thane. It would have been a big boost to that city and for Maharashtra to include one more city in the route.
Congratulations ! While I appreciate the healthy competition, I’m sure AFCONS with its long rich experience in tunneling will scale new heights in this execution !
Congratulations to all afconians
Congratulations to all afconians,as a afconian i want to say to team well done
congratulation to Afcons team
Being retired Civil Engineer I’m proud of you AFCONS. Go ahead in way of development of Our Great Nation. Thanks for good information.
Rebate Rs 639 Cr. Interesting.
@TNRG it seems that team afcons has decided to attack you comment section. 😂
Good job Afcons group keep it up 👌👌👍👍
Congratulations to AFCONS .👍🌹🌷💐
Congratulation and feel proud to be Afconion as Supplier too… Well done
Congratulations to Afcons
I am tunnel civil site engineer and have 8 years experience in both TBM and NATM tunnel. Plz call back at +918219440596 for recruitment.