KEC Wins Patna Metro New ISBT Depot’s Track Work

March 10, 2022 Update: DMRC has cancelled PT-08 tender for “administrative reasons”.

July 26, 2021 Original Post: KEC International on July 16 emerged as the lowest bidder for the standard gauge ballasted track contract PT-08 of Patna Metro’s New ISBT Depot after DMRC opened financial bids.

This track-work package along with package PT-07 for 1200 MT 90 UTS, UIC 60, 13 m Class A 880 grade rails are dedicated towards the integrated New ISBT Depot which’ll be used to stable and maintain trains on both lines of the 30.91 km Patna Metro Phase 1 project.

The depot’s construction contract was awarded to Quality Buildcon in December 2020, and per TOI its land acquisition process was just initiated.

DMRC invited bids for PT-08 in mid-January 2021 with an estimate of Rs. 17.97 crore and deadline of 24 months. Technical bids were opened in March to reveal 5 bidders out of which Apurvakriti, Railtech and Shivakriti were disqualified during evaluation.

Financial Bid Values:

KEC International Ltd.Rs. 19.36 crore
S.C. AgarwalRs. 19.64 crore

Contract: PT-08

Brief Scope: Supply, Installation, Testing & commissioning of standard gauge track work (Ballasted, Embedded and Column lines) at New ISBT Depot for Patna Metro Rail Project for PMRCL

Route map of Patna Metro’s Line-2 between Malahi Pakri – New ISBT with the indicative location of enroute stations – view Patna Metro info & full map
Architectural drawing of Patna Metro’s New ISBT Depot (view large)

KEC’s bid was 7.73% higher than PMRC / DMRC’s budgeted estimate, but only Rs. 1.39 crore in pure numerical terms (a drop in the budget). Following negotiations, I believe a contract for this will be awarded in the coming weeks.

Earlier this year, other track-work tenders like Package PT-07 saw Jindal Steel & Power Limited (JSPL) as the only bidder and Package PT-04 saw 2 bids from Voestalpine and Vossloh Cogifer. Those packages along with a couple electrical packages (PE-01, PE-02) are next in line to have their financial bids opened.

Looking at the flurry of recent activity (L&T winning PC-03 and YFC winning PC-04), I imagine financial bids for those 4 tenders are also on the verge of opening. Stay tuned…

For more updates, check out the Patna Metro section or my Home Page!


written by

Global traveler who prefers mass rapid transit

14 Responses to "KEC Wins Patna Metro New ISBT Depot’s Track Work"

  1. RanaRanjitSingh says:

    Dear sir good night say something about my job opportunities for these companies so please inform me Patna Bihar. mail id [email protected]

  2. Prabhat kumar says:

    I’m interested works for pway sir plz replay

  3. Er.Prabhat kumar says:

    I’m interested works for p.way sir plz help full @mob 9504395252
    [email protected]

  4. Umesh Kedia says:

    Any joint venture


    Sir I am interested work from Patna metro please opportunity

  6. Himanshu Kumar says:

    One chance Patna metro 9124289932

  7. Pankaj Kumar says:

    Dear Sir,

    I have 9 years experience in P Way.
    I am very much interested to work in Patna Metro.
    Sir, if any vacancy for the same kindly reach me.

  8. Roy says:

    Hi, @Themetrorailguy can you please let us know whether LOA awarded to KEC for the same.

    • TMRG says:

      Hi, checked today – official status is still stuck in “financial bid opening”, so contract has not been awarded yet.

      • Roy says:

        As per your post, KEC is L1 which is only decided after Financial bid opening so I didn’t get your point for “still stuck in FBO”. Can you please help us to get the exact ground report.

        • TMRG says:

          Things haven’t progressed beyond FBO. That’s the last status. Next status would be “financial evaluation” followed by “Award of Contract” (AOC).

  9. M/s Omkar nirman says:

    Sir your patna office address please give address my mall


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